Mold Myths
Mold Myths When it comes to mold there is an abundance of misinformation available out there. Which can prove costly for homeowners in terms of their health, wellness and finances. Below you will find a list of mold myths that lead to the common misconception. MYTH: Bleach and other retail products remove mold. FACT: Most…
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Formaldehyde Exposure Risks & Your Health The 12th report released by the National Toxicology Program featured a discussion on Formaldehyde as a Carcinogen that could be found in quiet annoying quantities in indoor spaces. As a potential carcinogen, it’s important to take note of formaldehyde exposure risks and how they may impact your health and well-being. Formaldehyde is considered…
Read the restSick Building Syndrome: Is Your Home Sick?
Sick Building Syndrome: Is Your Home Sick? How clean is the air in your home? Our indoor air quality can be compromised by a wide variety of different airborne contaminants hiding with our home. From radon, VOC’s, formaldehyde, mold and dust mites, the air in our homes might be making us sick? But how do you…
Read the restDo I Need Mold Testing?
Do I Need Mold Testing? Have you or a member of your family been experiencing allergies, recurring congestion, runny nose, sneezing or frequent headaches? If so, there is a very good likelyhood that you may have a mold contamination lurking somewhere hidden within you home that may be contributing to Sick Building Syndrome. Even if…
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As you now know, mold can have serious health effects on people. Unfortunately, your pet may experience even more severe health symptoms than you, due to its often weaker and less advanced immune systems. In other words, Fido’s smaller and less developed immune system decreases his ability to fight off illness and adverse health symptoms, particularly when Fido is continually exposed to and in close contact with mold for a prolonged period of time. Keep an eye on Fido for any simp for any sign of symptoms that may result from mold exposure.
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Black Mold Exposure Symptoms
When treating a victim of black mold contamination, it is important to note that the symptoms can vary with the amount of mold exposure and the species of the mold. Some of the more common symptoms from black mold include:
1) Inflammation of the eyes — look for irritated eyes that are watery, swollen, red and itchy
2) Nasal congestion — look for stuffed-up nose, congested nose, or even runny nose. In extreme cases sinus congestion might occur.
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Do I have mold in my house?
Sneezing? Runny nose? Congestion? Allergies? If you have any of these mold related symptoms then there is a chance that there is mold growing somewhere in your home. Even if you can’t see it, mold related health problems may be creating uncomfortable and even debilitating conditions within your home.
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Symptoms of Mold Exposure
The presence of mold and fungal particulates in your environment can cause a variety of health related symptoms and concerns. Severity of symptoms can depend on sensitivity levels and pre-existing conditions that can heighten symptomatic responses. Individuals with pre-existing allergies, asthma, weakened or compromised immune systems are most at risk while the length of exposure…
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How do molds affect people?
Some people are sensitive to molds while others have a higher tolerance. For those people with sensitivities, common symptoms of mold exposure include nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, or skin irritation. Symptoms of exposure to more toxic molds include:
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