Decorating Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality
Decorating Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality Believe it or not, but decorating choices during a construction or a renovation project within your home could be compromising your indoor air quality. Recent studies indicate that your decor choices could be negatively impacting the indoor air quality in your home, thus impacting the health and well being of…
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Formaldehyde Exposure Risks & Your Health The 12th report released by the National Toxicology Program featured a discussion on Formaldehyde as a Carcinogen that could be found in quiet annoying quantities in indoor spaces. As a potential carcinogen, it’s important to take note of formaldehyde exposure risks and how they may impact your health and well-being. Formaldehyde is considered…
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How To Prevent Bathroom Mold: 7 Easy Steps The bathroom…just trying to keep it clean is enough of a burden. As it is arguably the one room within your home that is continuously hit with high moisture levels, combating the mold monster, once it’s allowed to move in, is often a very difficult task. It is always…
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Showers and bathtubs are common places for mold growth because of the almost constant dampness that exists. The good news about these areas, however, is that the mold typically grows on porcelain or tile, which are non-porous surfaces, meaning the mold is only on the surface and can easily be cleaned off.
The best way to keep mold out of bathrooms and showers is by providing good air circulation and frequent cleaning.
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Removing Mold from Wood
Wood is a hygroscopic material, which is a fancy term that means it likes to soak up and retain water (think of a sponge). This makes sense, since wood comes from trees, which soak up water to grow. While this is good for the tree, its not good for your lumber, furniture, or trim. Let’s go through the steps and talk about some specific issues when removing mold from wood. Keep in mind these steps assume the mold covers a relatively small area (i.e. less than 10 square feet).
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Detecting Mold With Your Nose
Smell is regarded by some as our strongest sense. One things that is for sure is that smell is the your best connection to memory. When it comes to mold, if you have ever smelt it, you will never forget it. This is how you can detect mold in your own home quickly, easily and at no cost!
If your nose has picked up an earthy, musty scent, this is a good indication that mold is present. How to you confirm this smell though? Step outside.
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Killing Mold with Household Products
If you have a mold contamination in your home or office, there is good news. Small mold contamination’s (less than 10 square feet in overall size) can be cleaned on your own with common household products.
Before you attempt to clean mold using any of the products below, remember to prepare yourself with protective gloves, eye wear and an approved breathing mask.
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How to Kill Mold with Borax
Borax, a natural cleaning product, is one of the better (more suggested) household products that you can use to kill mold. Because it does not give off harmful off gases like bleach, it can be safer to use when killing mold. Because of its high PH level, Borax when mixed with water is ideal for killing mold, insects, weeds and other invasive things. Best of all, you can buy it at any supermarket for very little money.
Before you start any mold removal project, be sure to pick up protective gear and equipment in order to avoid any mold related health problems.
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How to Kill Mold with Vinegar
Although vinegar is great for killing mold, it is not a guarantee. Vinegar can only kill about 80% of known mold species. In order to determine if your mold type can be killed, and if it is non toxic, a professional mold test is required.
On the plus side, vinegar, unlike other household products like bleach, does not give off harmful off gases and is generally safe to use. It is still recommended to wear protective gloves and eye wear when using vinegar to kill mold as vinegar is an acidic product.
Before you start any mold removal project, be sure to pick up protective gear and equipment in order to avoid any mold related health problems.
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How to Kill Mold with Bleach
If you have unsightly mold in your home or office, then reach for the bleach. Before you it though, you must be aware of a few things.
- Bleach produces toxic fumes and residue so be sure to use it only in a well ventilated area. Open windows or doors if possible and wear protective gloves and glasses. Also be sure to use an approved breathing mask to avoid inhaling harmful off gases.
- Bleach is only useful for killing mold on select surfaces. Anything that is a porous material such as wood or drywall should be handled by a certified mold remover. Non porous or solid surface materials like porcelain, tiles, glass or countertops can successfully be treated.
Before you start any mold removal project, be sure to pick up protective gear and equipment in order to avoid any mold related health problems.
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