Killing Mold with Hydrogen Peroxide

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Hydrogen peroxide, which is anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial, is one of the more ideal household products that you can use to kill mold. This is because it does not produce harmful chemical off gasses, chemical residue, is safe for the environment and is safe to use.

Not only does hydrogen peroxide kill surface mold on fabrics, tiles, porcelain and metal (any non porous material), it also acts as a bleaching agent which can reduce or remove the stain that mold leaves behind. For this reason, you should test hydrogen peroxide on a small, unnoticeable area first before committing to it. This is to ensure that it will not fade colors or textures.

Before you start any mold  removal project, be sure to pick up protective gear and equipment in order to avoid any mold related health problems.


  1. Start by using 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Spray the hydrogen peroxide directly onto the moldy surface and let it site for at least 10-15 minutes to ensure that is has saturated the mold.
  3. Once the hydrogen peroxide has sat long enough, scrub the moldy surface lightly using water and a throwaway cloth or sponge. This will help to remove the dead mold pores as well as stains. DO NOT scrub the area vigorously or  you may send mold spores elsewhere in your home where they can still be harmful to your health.
  4. Wipe the surface clean with water and let it dry. You can open a window or door to help with the drying process and to allow fresh air in.

TIP: Add vinegar to your hydrogen peroxide to increase the killing effectiveness.


Disclaimer: Mold is a very serious and can be very damaging to your health. Unless you are certain that the type of mold you are dealing with is non toxic, you should never attempt to remove it yourself. A certified mold inspector can tell you the type of mold you have.

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