- Exposure to mold can result in a number of health problems including asthma, respiratory problems, allergic reactions, rashes, nose and throat irritation, headaches and more.
- You cannot completely remove mold in an indoor environment but you can control the growth and spread of mold.
- To control mold growth, you must control moisture that the mold thrives on.
- You can reduce indoor air humidity by up to 60% by utilizing air conditioners, de-humidifiers, venting bathrooms, increasing ventilation and by using exhaust fans whenever possible.
- Wet or damp building materials should be dried within 24-48 hours in order to reduce mold growth.
- Porous materials that contain mold colonies (ie. wood, ceiling tiles and fabrics) should be replaced. Hard surface materials like porcelain can be cleaned using household products or mold cleaners – read more.
- Properly insulated windows, doors, roof and floors will reduce condensation which can reduce mold growth.
- For commercial building owners – never install carpet or other moisture retaining materials nears sources of water (fountains, sinks, drains)
- Mold can grow on literally any surface as long as the right mold growth conditions are present – read more.
- The more dangerous forms of mold, such as Apergillus, have been linked to cancers, respiratory failure and immune suppression.
- Mold spores can cause health problems even if they are dead or dormant. Hence “killing mold” is not an efficient method of removal.
- Mold spores will not grow or reproduce if they do not have a moisture source present.
- Common food sources for mold include carpeting, upholstery, fabric and building materials such as drywall.
- Molds often grow in hidden places like behind walls or wallpaper, underneath carpet or in ceiling cavities like heating or cooling ducts.
- The majority of mold growth can be linked back to building neglect such as improper insulation, improper ventilation etc.
- Commercial building owners who receive a mold complaint can be held liable in court if the problem is not properly handled.
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